Ejemplo de Defensa de Auditoria y Acuerdo de Cuotas


Un hombre nos llamó para ayudarle con una solución para resolver unos $30.000 por los que venia el IRS. Durante la consulta inicial, el cliente nos informó que había sido auditado. Él también estaba preocupado por un Formulario 1099-C, que él había pensado no era imponible, pero el IRS ha agregado eso a la responsabilidad total. Para los años fiscales 2013 y 2014, los impuestos se examinaron sobre la base de la alegación de posible sobreestimación de los gastos detallados. También había fracasado en incluir los ingresos adicionales que se informó al IRS. El caso del cliente fue asignado a un examinador de campo.


Se completó un poder notarial y nuestro profesional de impuestos hizo contacto inmediato con el inspector de campo del IRS. Tras la revisión del informe de auditoría inicial que proporcionó el cliente y la conversación con el Oficial de Ingresos, enviamos al cliente una solicitud de documentación para justificar los gastos que se reclamaron en las declaraciones. Hemos revisado todos los documentos proporcionados y hemos completado un análisis de impuestos para cada problema que se anotó en el informe de auditoría. También llevamos a cabo investigaciones para demostrar la presentación de quiebra y la inclusión de acreedores.


El profesional de impuestos envió un Formulario 982, Reducción de los Atributos Tributarios debido a la descarga de deuda, junto con una impresión del archivo de quiebra registrado en la base de datos PACER que mostró que el Formulario 1099-C no era un evento imponible.

We also reviewed all receipts that were provided. When completing the return analysis, based on the information that we had received, it was better for the client to take the standard deduction for both years. The itemized deduction was less than the standard deduction, according to the receipts that were provided.

When reviewing the dividend income, we determined that it was, in fact, a taxable transaction.

The Revenue Officer issued a revised audit report making the corrections as listed above. The initial audit report had a balance due of $24,986.29 for 2013 and $4,538.50 for 2014. With the revisions. The new balances are $7,643.55 for 2013 and $4,557.51 for 2014 for a total savings of $17,323.73.

The tax professional reviewed client’s financial position, transcripts, history, his unique situation and recommended that the best possible option, based on the client’s financial situation, would be a Fresh Start Installment Agreement of $170.00/month with the IRS, to be paid over a period of 72 months.


During the collection hold period, the client decided to proceed with the Resolution Phase of the program. The tax professional contacted the IRS to set up the Fresh Start Installment Agreement.

Audit Defense was completed and the Fresh Start Installment Agreement was set in place with the IRS.

During Investigation total amount owed: $29,524.79
After completing the Audit Defense, the new balance was: $12,201.06
Resolution: Fresh Start Installment Agreement
Monthly Payment: $170.00
Phases worked: Investigation, Audit Defense, and Resolution

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This example is an actual example of a client who enrolled in the tax program. Every case is unique and this is not an extension that you will receive the same resolution as they will. Your situation is unique, as are all tax cases. The team has extensive experience, has former IRS employees, special officers, enrolled agents, tax attorney, and CPA’s. Our tax team will work diligently with a flat fee to solve the tax issue you have for the best possible resolution for you. That means doing all possible to ensure you pay the lowest amount of taxes legally required based on your situation, allowable deductions, finances, and other factors.


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