How Much Are You Really Paying? Find Out With Our Free Credit Card Interest Calculator

“I was shocked with how much I was going to be paying in interest on my credit cards. I had no idea before I used the calculator and now I can take action to solve it.” Jason R.

To use the calculator, please enter you debt information without the $, the interest rate without the % and your current minimum payment. You may estimate the values. Enter your information so that we can review the results with you for free to see what is the best option to help you. Then click, “Calculate.”

You’ll receive a custom result showing how many months until your debt is paid off, how much you will pay in interest and how much interest you will pay. Most people are surprised by the results. You’ll see the results instantly after clicking Calculate.

Let’s get started!

Credit Card Interest Calculator

"I highly recommend speaking with CuraDebt to see how much you can save over paying minimum payments for years. Their representatives are professional, caring, patient and very knowledgeable. The infromation you get is highly valuable and the worst thing you can do is not take action to learn what your options are."

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