Secured Loans And The Option Of Debt Settlement
March 9, 2023
Secured Loans And The Option Of Debt Settlement A secured loan is a loan attached to an asset, such as property or a home. If you’re unable to pay the debt, the lender can apply to the courts to take possession of the attached asset in order to sell it to get their money back.…
Personal Loan vs. Personal Line of Credit: Know The Difference
March 9, 2023
When life throws unexpected expenses at us, such as a home renovation, a wedding, or even a funeral, many people opt to use credit over cash. Credit is especially useful when an expense sneaks up on us and we don’t have enough in our emergency funding to cover the cost of the expense. A personal…
How To Negotiate Student Loan Settlement
February 27, 2023
Although it was the plan to forgive student debt, many people still have a balance due. With the cost of living on the rise, many may find it hard to find the extra income to pay back their student loan. The expenses of daily living, such as mortgage or rent payments, utility bills, and auto…