Should You Choose Debt Settlement Or Credit Counseling?

October 20, 2023
Debt settlement and credit counseling are two financial strategies designed to help individuals manage and alleviate their debt burdens. Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditors to settle outstanding debts for a reduced amount, typically in a lump-sum payment. This approach can be effective in reducing the total amount of debt owed. Credit counseling is a…

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What Is An IRS Substitute For Return(SFR)?

October 20, 2023
Did you know that in situations where some taxpayers haven’t filed their federal tax returns, the IRS has the capability to step in? Through the Substitute for Return (SFR) program, as authorized by Internal Revenue Code § 6020(b), the IRS can take action to ensure that everyone’s tax obligations are met. If you find yourself…

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Debt Management vs. Debt Settlement

October 19, 2023
Debt management and debt settlement are two distinct approaches to tackling financial obligations and relieving the burden of debt. Debt management involves the structured and responsible handling of one’s debts with the help of a credit counseling agency. It typically includes the creation of a debt management plan (DMP) to negotiate lower interest rates and…

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IRS Offer In Compromise Forms And Supporting Documentation

October 19, 2023
An IRS Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a program offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, designed to provide taxpayers facing financial hardship with a potential opportunity to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. This program allows eligible taxpayers to negotiate a compromise with the IRS,…

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Debt Settlement Vs. Bankruptcy

October 18, 2023
Debt settlement and bankruptcy are two financial strategies that individuals facing overwhelming debt often consider as they grapple with the challenges of managing their financial obligations. Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditors to reduce the amount of debt owed, offering a possible path to resolve outstanding balances without resorting to bankruptcy. On the other hand,…

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